Are you Prepared for Winter Weather?

A resilience Planning document has been prepared by the Scottish Government with lots of useful contact details in the event of extreme weather events. The document can be downloaded here: Resilience Planning Advice and Contacts

Dunbar War Memorial Dedication of Added Names

A ceremony was held today, 28th October 2019 for the dedication of additional names on the Dunbar War Memorial. Councillor John McMillan, Provost of East Lothian and Michael Williams Lord Lieutenant were present as well…

Dunbar Colts say Thank You

The Dunbar Colts and their Coaches attended the Community Council Meeting last night to say thank you in person for some funding thay had received from the Local Priorities Fund. They also gave a short…

Dunbar War Memorial: Dedication of Added Names, 28th October 1030

A Dedication Ceremony will take place on Monday 28th October to mark the completion of the War Memorial Restoration Project and the addition of missing names. The ceremony will commence at 1030 am, with the…

DCC Minutes September 2019

The main points from the September meeting are as follows: Martin Whitfield MP attended the meeting as a guest.. He was briefed on a number of local issues, including the planning process and the fact…

Tell us about your Priorities for the Dunbar area

The Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership are reviewing their Local Area Plan. This is your chance to have a say about where our future funding and efforts should be focussed. the Area Partnership has…