Dunbar Rotary Recruitment

Open Letter to the Dunbar Community During this very difficult lock down period the community spirit and level of volunteering in Dunbar has been incredibly uplifting to observe.  As life gradually returns to some version…

If you suffer from Muscle or Joint Pain, help is still available

Dunbar in Lockdown

For the first time ever, Dunbar’s Victoria Harbour is completely empty, with the fishing fleet laid up in the Cromwell harbour.

Covid-19 and the Dunbar Community

During the period March to July 2020 during the first lockdown, the Dunbar Resilience plan was activated with teams of volunteers across the ward who could respond to requests for help from vulnerable individuals who…

Mixed Use Development at Spott Road

Hallhill Developments have submitted a Proposal of Application Notice to East Lothian Council for Planning in Principle for a Mixed-use Development (Major Application) for land at Spott Road/Kellie Road, Dunbar (behind ASDA and near Dunbear).…

Dial a Ride and Dial a Bus East Lothian