Dunbar Rotary Recruitment

Open Letter to the Dunbar Community During this very difficult lock down period the community spirit and level of volunteering in Dunbar has been incredibly uplifting to observe.  As life gradually returns to some version…

DCC Minutes July 2020

Once again, the meeting was held on-line due to Covid restrictions. the main points covered were: A police report was submitted, and this highlighted some anti social behaviour around local beaches as lockdown eased, and…

DCC Minutes June 2020

Here are the main points from the June meeting, which once again was held as a Zoom video conference: Chief Inspector Neil Mitchell (Area Commander) has been asked to report on the impact of drug…

DCC Minutes May 2020

The meeting was held by Zoom Conference call. The main points are summarised below; There was a presentation by Ken Ross OBE and his team about proposals for mixed use development at Dunbear Park. Councillor…

If you suffer from Muscle or Joint Pain, help is still available

DCC Minutes April 2020

The Covid-19 restrictions meant that there was no physical meeting and instead this meeting was held by Zoom conference call. the main points from the meeting were as follows: A number of town maintenance issues…