Our October meeting was a long one with a lot of conversation about how best to fly the flags at the Town House. The Council also approved a Local Priorities grant application from Dunbar Cricket Club…
At October’s meeting, DCC agreed to take a lead in an urgent initiative to see the issues affecting the East Beach addressed. DCC will meet with East Lothian Council and with Dunbar Shore and Harbour…
We have updated our website with information on how and when we can help you with your plans and projects. Just look at the ‘drop downs’ at About your Community Council.
Dunbar celebrates Christmas each year by be-decking the High Street with Christmas Lights. The lighting is organised by a volunteer sub-committee of Dunbar Community Council who meet almost weekly during the year to maintain and…
Civic Week is a week long celebration of community involvement organised by a sub-committee of Dunbar Community Council. For more information on Civic Week, visit the website Dunbar Civic Week