Dunbar High Street Painting Volunteers

Three of the Shabby tenement buildings in Dunbar High Street are currently being painted by Graham Adams (DCC Councillor and leader of the Christmas Lights team). This is a great effort by Graham and his…

Area Partnership Public Meeting 26th March

The Annual Public Meeting of the Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership will be held on 26th March at 1930 in the Bleachingfield Centre. Find out what we did with East Lothian Council Funds last…

DCC Minutes January 2018

The main points from the January meeting are summarised below: RBS Closure – there was a presentation and discussion about the RBS Branch closure in Dunbar, and the effect this would have on local customers…

Dunbar Twinning News and AGM

The Dunbar and District Twinning Association is holding its AGM on Thursday 22nd February 2018 at 7.30 pm at the Dunbar Day Centre. Do come along for a social evening and here the latest news…

That’s it for another year!

Our brilliant Christmas Lights Team have been hard at work today taking down the lights into storage. Theye were helped by the usual stalwart volunteers from the RNLI and the Fire Service. Well done to…

DCC Minutes December 2017

Here are the main points from the December meeting: The Project Manager gave a presentation about the proposed Neart Na Gaoithe Windfarm which will be 30 Km North of Torness and will have a potential…