Contact Police re ASB Incidents

A police report to the Community Council has highlighted an increased level of anti-social behaviour (ASB) in the town often involving under age drinking. Our police are aware and are making every effort to address…

Roodlands Hospital Update Invite

Local residents and interested parties are invited to Roodlands Hospital Dining Room for high tea on Thursday 23rd February 2017 from 3pm till 5pm. This is an informal update on progress to date on the…

Youth Anti-Social Behaviour in Dunbar

There has been much comment on Social Media recently about youth anti-social behaviour in Dunbar. A recent incident in Countess Road resulted in a number of cars being vandalised. Anti Social Behaviour is a frequent…

Volunteers Required for Dunbar’s Weather Station

Dunbar’s reputation as “Sunny Dunny” stems from the fact that we have our own weather station, and readings are taken on a daily basis. However the two volunteers are about to retire, and replacements are…

Vacancies for Two Council Members

The Dunbar Community Council currently has two vacancies for council members. Applications are invited from residents within the burgh of Dunbar to fill these posts. This is an opportunity to serve the local community and…

Campaign in Memory of Jimmy Bain

Jimmy Bain was a rock guitarist who grew up in Dunbar and gained international fame with heavy metal groups like Rainbow. Jimmy died last year at the age of 68, and an old school friend,…