Proposed Sewage Pipe Upgrade on East Beach

There was a lengthy discussion at last night’s Community Council Meeting regarding the proposed upgrading of the (buried) sewage pipe on the Southern part of Dunbar’s East Beach. Three representatives from Scottish water were present, along with a number of concerned members of the public. The pipe in question is currently below the sand level, and a section needs to be upgraded with a larger diameter pipe to take additional sewage from the new Robertson Homes development on the East side of the town. Community Councilors and members of the public sought reassurance that this should not result in the degradation and loss of sand which has incurred on the Northern part of the beach.

Pippa Swann has expressed the concerns of the community to Marine Scotland. “We are extremely concerned that the proposed intervention will destabilise fragile sediments and lead to wholesale erosion of East Beach south (East Links). Can you please confirm to us that a rigorous analysis of the coastal erosion issues has taken place and give us comfort that such analysis confirms that there is no risk that the pipeline works, as designed, will lead to sediment/sand loss and exposure of the pipe.”

This plan shows the affected sections in red which will be replaced.