DCC Minutes October 2017

Here are the main points from the October meeting: The present incumbents were confirmed in the following appointments: Chair (Stephen Bunyan), Vice Chair (George Robertson), Secretary (Jacquie Bell), and Treasurer (Alasdair Swan). Stephen Bunyan indicated…

DCC Minutes September 2017

The main points from the September DCC meeting are as follows: Assembly Rooms: – Paul Zochowski of ELC explained his recently circulated development plan for this site. Civic Week:- A coordinator is needed to take…

DCC Minutes August 2017

DCC Draft Minute August 2017 Here are the main points from the August Dunbar Community Council Meeting: Sue Anderson has resigned from the Community Council and as organiser of Dunbar Civic Week. The Chair expressed…

DCC Minutes July 2017

This Month’s meeting was well attended by members of the public and started with two presentations from local developers; the first from CALA Homes about Beveridge Row, and the Second from Gladman re a forthcoming…

DCC Minutes May 2017

This was a busy meeting, and many items were covered including: A presentation re the micropub proposal for the former Foggo office building at the station. Issues about the proposed upgrade of a sewage pipe…

DCC Minutes March 2017

The main points from the March meeting are summarised below. Representatives from Scottish Water gave a presentation on the proposed upgrade of a sewage pipe on the Souther part of Dunbar’s East Beach. The Council…