Minutes of 16 November Meeting

The main points from the DCC meeting on 16 November are summarised below. The full minutes are available here: DCC Minutes November 2015 (Draft) Our local Regiment, the Lothian and Borders Horse has been reformed…

Minutes for the October Meeting

The main points from the October meeting are listed below: Penny Morris: elected to the Community Council Christmas Lights: more volunteers urgently needed, also further funding for improvements and health and safety issues. New Housing Development:…

Dunbar is Scotland’s First Zero Waste Town

Dunbar is working with other organisations in East Lothian to help reduce the amount of refuse sent to landfills, with the eventual goal of ‘zero waste’ going to landfill.  Dunbar Zero Waste have a team…

Meeting Minutes – September 2015

Our meeting was hijacked by events when we were locked out of the Town House.  Hallhill came to the rescue and the meeting convened there at 7.15pm. Scottish Water were heavily represented as they came…

Minutes of Meeting – August 2015

Highlights of our August meeting included: Police report – antisocial behaviour and CAPP priorities Update on South East Scotland Development Plan 2 (consultation closes on 30th September) Local planning issues and usual updates.  Follow this…

Our July Meeting 2015

The July meeting lasted almost three hours and included an interesting submission by The Ridge with Kate Darrah and Adrian Gerling telling us about their plans for a ‘teaching garden’ and market space in the…