DCC Draft Minutes May 2016 Here are the main points covered at the Dunbar Community Council Meeting on 16 May 2016: Civic Week Program: is on schedule with about 30 events in the planned. Christmas…
The main points from the April DCC meeting are as follows: Stephen Bunyan presented new Army Cadet Colours on behalf of the Dunbar Community Council and Dunbar Rotary Club Christmas Lights: there will be a…
The main points from the March Committee meeting were as follows: A comprehensive police report highlighted Road Safety, Anti-social behaviour and theft issues. Twinning links: there will be a possible visit to Lignieres in October.…
The main points from the February meeting are summarised below: Mr Gordon Millar, Chair of Friends of Winterfield, gave an update on the work of the group, with plans for future landscaping and development. A…
Grants of up to £1500 are available to help community groups improve, maintain and promote their local community paths. Paths for All