Dunbar Lifeboat Day 2016 Video


DCC Draft Minutes May 2016

DCC Draft Minutes May 2016 Here are the main points covered at the Dunbar Community Council Meeting on 16 May 2016: Civic Week Program: is on schedule with about 30 events in the planned. Christmas…

DCC Draft Minutes April 2016

The main points from the April DCC meeting are as follows: Stephen Bunyan presented new Army Cadet Colours on behalf of the Dunbar Community Council and Dunbar Rotary Club Christmas Lights: there will be a…

Minutes of 21 March Committee Meeting

The main points from the March Committee meeting were as follows: A comprehensive police report highlighted Road Safety, Anti-social behaviour and theft issues. Twinning links: there will be a possible visit to Lignieres in October.…

DCC Minutes February 2016

The main points from the February meeting are summarised below: Mr Gordon Millar, Chair of Friends of Winterfield, gave an update on the work of the group, with plans for future landscaping and development. A…

Grants Available for Community Paths

Grants of up to £1500 are available to help community groups improve, maintain and promote their local community paths. Paths for All