dcc-minutes-october-2016 The Main points from the October meeting are as follows: Formation of the new Community Council: The 10 previous members were re-elected. Stephen Bunyan was re-elected as Chairman, Jacquie Bell as Secretary, and Alasdair…
The number of headstones in Dunbar cemetery which have toppled in recent years has caused serious concern. The problem has been made worse by East Lothian’s budget restrictions reducing the hours available to maintain the…
dcc-draft-minute-september-2016 The main points from the September 2016 Committee Meeeting were as follows: Maria Lyle was congratulated on winning 2 bronze and i silver medal at the Paralympics. Andrew Brown on behalf of Dunbar Rotary…
East Lothian Area Partnerships are pleased to announce the launch of a new database for events and places to visit in East Lothian: www.Whatsoneastlothian.com This web address will divert seamlessly to our new customised home…
DCC Draft minutes August 2016 The main points from the Dunbar Community Council Meeting held on 15 August 2016 were as follows: Steel wires across Dunbar Hight Street to support Christmas lights will shortly be…
DCC draft Minutes July 2016 The Main points from the July Community Council Meeting are as follows: Dunbar Civic Week had been a success. The balance of the General Fund stands at £8697.74 Continuing…