DCC Minutes December 2016 The Main points from the December 2016 meeting were as follows: Proposed Commemorative Plaque for Jimmy Bain: The DCC was fully supportive of a proposal to commemorate the life of Jimmy…
Congratulations to the Committee and all the willing volunteers for this year’s brilliant display.
We have had a makeover and the new site also includes feeds to Facebook and Twitter. Check it out: https://dunbarcommunitycouncil.org.uk/
Leading Cadet Samantha Kaszuba of Dunbar Sea Cadets has been appointed as Northern Area’s Navy Board Cadet for 2017. This is a prestigious role and a great honour. It is the first time it has…
DCC Draft Minute( November 2016 (JB) The main points from the November meeting were as follows: George Robertson was confirmed as Vice Chair A letter about our concerns re the Local Plan and the SES…
The Christmas Lights Committee and their volunteers are doing a magnificent job today putting up Dunbar’s Christmas lights in very challenging conditions with strong winds and torrential rain. This year promises to have the best…