DCC Minutes July 2018

Here are the main points from July’s meeting: Belhaven residents attended to express their concern about traffic in the Belhaven area, and overnight parking in the Shore Road car park. Many town maintenance issues have…

Dunbar Community Council 2018 Awards

DCC Chairman Stephen Bunyan and Civic Week Queen Annie-Rose Dickson presided at this evening’s award ceremony in the Dunbar Council Chamber. Pictures of all award winners are shown here:  

DCC Minutes May 2018

The main points from the May meeting are as follows: Congratulations to Pippa and Alasdair Swan on receiving the Rotary Club Community Service Award, and to the British legion Pipe Band for their success in…

Update from Tarmac Re Dust Deposits

we have just received the following statement from Tarmac: As you may be aware, there were a series of dust observations made within the Dunbar area on the morning of Thursday the 24th of May.…

What a Difference!

Here is the West Port corner and adjacent buildings looking smart, thanks to the efforts of our stalwart volunteers, helped by your funding contributions. The next phase commences on 1st June when Graham Adams, Neil…

DCC Minutes April 2018

Here are the main points for the April Meeting: Congratulations were offered to Maria Lyle, silver medallist in the Commonwealth Games. Police reports a number of high value shoplifting events. 19 charges have been made…