West Port Repainting has started

Graham has today made a start on the West Port. This will complete the High Street painting project. Once again he is giving up his spare time for the benefit of the town. Graham and…

DCC Minutes February 2019

The main points from the February minutes are as follows: Andrew Morris gave a short presentation about a project to establish a local radio station for Dunbar and the surrounding area. The police report covered…

A New Seat for Parsons Pool

The Parsons Pool Playpark has had nowhere for parents to sit – until now. Thanks to Barry Craighead of Dunpender CC who built and installed the seat with funding from the Dunbar and East Linton…

Renovation of Sir Reginald Wingate’s Memorial

Sir Reginald Wingate was one of Dunbar’s most famous residents. His military career was legendary. He was at the Battle of Omdurman in 1898, and succeeded Lord Kitchener as Sirdar (British Commander in Chief of…

DCC Minutes January 2019

The main points from the January meeting are as follows: Ross Developments gave a briefing on the proposed new development at Hallhill North. Councillor Hampshire noted discussions at the recent Rail Forum and future plans…

Action Counters Terrorism Campaign

A UK wide campaign called Action Counters Terrorism has now launched encouraging members of the public to “Look Again” at suspicious activity and behaviour. Currently over a fifth of public reports to the anti terrorism…