DCC Minutes February 2017

The main points from the February meeting are as follows: Christmas Lights: all junction boxes are to be replaced, and there will be additions to the winter lights. Anti Social Behaviour: Youth ASB was discussed…

DCC Minutes January 2017

DCC Minutes January 2017 The main points for the January meeting are as follows: Civic Week planned for 17-25 June – volunteers required. Police report indicates that anti-social behavious is still and issue Only 12…

DCC Minutes December 2016

DCC Minutes December 2016 The Main points from the December 2016 meeting were as follows: Proposed Commemorative Plaque for Jimmy Bain: The DCC was fully supportive of a proposal to commemorate the life of Jimmy…

DCC Minutes Nov 2016

DCC Draft Minute( November 2016 (JB) The main points from the November meeting were as follows: George Robertson was confirmed as Vice Chair A letter about our concerns re the Local Plan and the SES…

DCC Minutes Oct 2016

dcc-minutes-october-2016 The Main points from the October meeting are as follows: Formation of the new Community Council: The 10 previous members were re-elected. Stephen Bunyan was re-elected as Chairman, Jacquie Bell as Secretary, and Alasdair…

Draft Minutes 19 Sep Committee Meeting

dcc-draft-minute-september-2016 The main points from the September 2016 Committee Meeeting were as follows: Maria Lyle was congratulated on winning 2 bronze and i silver medal at the Paralympics. Andrew Brown on behalf of Dunbar Rotary…