DCC Minutes May 2018

The main points from the May meeting are as follows: Congratulations to Pippa and Alasdair Swan on receiving the Rotary Club Community Service Award, and to the British legion Pipe Band for their success in…

DCC Minutes April 2018

Here are the main points for the April Meeting: Congratulations were offered to Maria Lyle, silver medallist in the Commonwealth Games. Police reports a number of high value shoplifting events. 19 charges have been made…

DCC Minutes March 2018

The main points from the March Meeting are as follows: Local Priorities Awards have been sent to the Community Bakery and the Dunbar Dementia Support Group. There are many Town Maintenance issues which have been…

DCC Minutes January 2018

The main points from the January meeting are summarised below: RBS Closure – there was a presentation and discussion about the RBS Branch closure in Dunbar, and the effect this would have on local customers…

DCC Minutes December 2017

Here are the main points from the December meeting: The Project Manager gave a presentation about the proposed Neart Na Gaoithe Windfarm which will be 30 Km North of Torness and will have a potential…

DCC Minutes November 2017

The meeting was not quorate due to the unavoidable absence of 6 members. the main points discussed were as follows: Gala Day with a Paint Brush: Mike Wilson, a journalist from Edinburgh described his plan…