Here are the main points from the August meeting: The police report covered road safety issues and noted that speed checks had been carried out on Belhaven Road. 80 vehicles had been checked and 25…
Category: Minutes Archive
This is the global archive of minutes going back to 2014
Here are the main points from the July meeting: Councillor Sue Kempson congratulated Dunbar on successful recent events which include the DCC Awards, Civic Week and the Yeomanry parade. There are many outstanding town maintenance…
Here are some of the main points from the May meeting; Police have reported a number of instances of anti-social behaviour amongst youths, and some thefts from premises. Many town maintenance issues have been reported…
Here are the main points for April’s meeting. Following reports of dog fouling, ELC Lanscape and Coutryside staff have been patrolling problem areas and issuing fixed penalty notices. Councillor Hampshire reports that planning consent for…
The main points from the March meeting are as follows: Mr Tony Thomas outlined the development plans for Dunbar Golf Club. Councillor Hampshire outiled proposals for a major development near Queen Margaret University. Councillor Kempson…
The main points from the February minutes are as follows: Andrew Morris gave a short presentation about a project to establish a local radio station for Dunbar and the surrounding area. The police report covered…