DCC Draft Minutes May 2016

DCC Draft Minutes May 2016

Here are the main points covered at the Dunbar Community Council Meeting on 16 May 2016:

  • Civic Week Program: is on schedule with about 30 events in the planned.
  • Christmas Lights: there are still some concerns over future infrastructure funding.
  • Police Report: there are still concerns about youth anti social behaviour, shoplifting, and speeding in 20 mph zones.
  • Dunbar East Beach: there are plans in place for re-profiling of the exposed sewage pipe, and re-instatement of the Groyne.
  • 20 mph Survey: an on-line and paper survey is taking place to canvass local opinion for a 20 mph are North of the railway line.
  • Dunbar High Street Condition. There are concerns over the condition and cleanliness of High Street buildings and pavements.
