Dunbar Twinning News and AGM

The Dunbar and District Twinning Association is holding its AGM on Thursday 22nd February 2018 at 7.30 pm at the Dunbar Day Centre. Do come along for a social evening and here the latest news…

That’s it for another year!

Our brilliant Christmas Lights Team have been hard at work today taking down the lights into storage. Theye were helped by the usual stalwart volunteers from the RNLI and the Fire Service. Well done to…

DCC Minutes December 2017

Here are the main points from the December meeting: The Project Manager gave a presentation about the proposed Neart Na Gaoithe Windfarm which will be 30 Km North of Torness and will have a potential…

Reception for Christmas Lights Team

Dunbar Community Council held a reception in Dunbar Town House last night for the Christmas Lights Team and their families. This was to celebrate those volunteers who had made Dunbar Christmas Lights “Probably the best…

Christmas Carols at the Battery

Dunbar Churches laid on carol singing this evening at the Dunbar Battery, complete with mulled wine and mince pies. Lots of families attended for a good old sing-along.

DCC Minutes November 2017

The meeting was not quorate due to the unavoidable absence of 6 members. the main points discussed were as follows: Gala Day with a Paint Brush: Mike Wilson, a journalist from Edinburgh described his plan…