DCC Meeting March 25 – open meeting

The meeting began with short tributes to former DCC member Paul Gillon and to former head teacher of Dunbar Primary School Helen Gillanders.

The main points from the meeting are summarised below:

  • Graham Adams has tendered his resignation from DCC. He has made a huge contribution to the town in many areas, but will continue chair the Christmas Lights Committee.
  • George Robertson has been appointed as Vice Chair and Pam Shields as Secretary to DCC.
  • Councillor Norman Hampshire reported that someone had publicised his home on social media. the Chair offered their apologies and undertook to investigate the matter.
  • A preliminary conversation has been held with Stantec about Dunbar parking issues.
  • Belhaven residents have expressed concern about the Belhaven Master Plan. Residents should be offered a meeting with ELC officers before further deign work is undertaken.
  • Full details are available in the minutes below