DCC Minutes July 2018

Here are the main points from July’s meeting:

  • Belhaven residents attended to express their concern about traffic in the Belhaven area, and overnight parking in the Shore Road car park.
  • Many town maintenance issues have been advised to ELC.
  • The Wilson Place playpark area has apparently been sold of at a nominal sum. Residents are concerned that the new owner may seek to redevelop this site. There are concerns that this may set a precedent. Councillor Kempston agreed to follow this up with ELC.
  • East Beach – rock armour work is now complete, and ELC have allocated funding for the groyne.
  • War Memorial – conservation work has now started.
  • Armistice Centenary – planning has commenced for a suitable program to commemorate this.
  • High Street Painting – there has been very favourable comment about the Area Partnership funded initiate to repaint neglected High Street tenements.

DCC Minutes July 2018