Dunbar Civic Week has been organised by Sue Anderson for a number of years now, and she has made it what it is. Now that she has moved on, we urgently need someone to take over the role of Coordinator.
Civic Week normally runs through the third week of June. The Coordinator’s main role is in organising the Fun Day, which is the launch event on the first Saturday. This involves the “Royal Court”, the parade, and a number of events at Lauderdale Park. The Coordinator also liaises with all other clubs and societies who organise their own events during Civic Week, and arranges the publication and distribution of the Civic Week Programme.
If Civic Week is to continue to run, we now need to identify a successor to Sue, who can organise and run the 2018 events. If you can support our community in this way, now is the time to step forward, so do make contact initially by email to:
Coordinator Urgently Needed for Civic Week 2018